Thalia’s Research Journey

tl;dr – blog research and chill (instead of writing papers)

Fact #1: I have many unread books on very specific, relevant topics.

I own, within the context of the SCA, not that many books. However comma…. The number of books I own and haven’t read is triple the number of books I own and have read. Perhaps this is normal, too, but it grates on my anti-hoarder nerves. I want to enjoy all the things I own, not just hope to enjoy them in the future.

Fact #2: I am terrible at school.

This is a very complex subject which has occupied a lot of my life (hello, private high school education and two bachelor’s degrees), and it’s no surprise that I haven’t wanted to think about it long enough to work through the barriers it has put between me & SCA research.

Now, I have written two papers for A&S in the SCA, as single entries at Kingdom Bardic. And, much like everything else in my academic life, they had great potential but didn’t deliver. Like, I finished them. But everyone who knows me and read them knew it was not complete.

The ADHD is strong with this one, okay.

Fact #3: Blogging is a great middle ground.

Will I ever enter a competition again? Maybe. But if I do, my paper will read more like a blog entry. I blogged intensely for at least a decade starting in 2003, and I am good at it. It’s a developed skill.  A wrench in my toolbox, or whatever metaphor we’re using these days.

It’s the only way, I am accepting with confidence now, that I will ever be able to do any research for the SCA, that’s for darn sure.

And I’m okay with it. I’m only chasing a level of excellence and knowledge, not a championship. Who wants to stand in the back of court for a million hours, anyways? 😉

So: Here we go with The Books

Some of the books are blogged about by chapter, while some are only one entry, because dang I love books, even when they’re only vague related to My Things.

And what are My Things? (links/directories coming soon!)


daily life (‘social’ history)
singing (& music as used in life)

lute (…maybe)

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